Clear counters storm-control – Brocade Network OS Command Reference v4.1.0 User Manual
Page 142

Network OS Command Reference
clear counters storm-control
clear counters storm-control
Clears counters about traffic controlled by configured rate limits.
clear counters storm-control
clear counters storm-control broadcast [interface {fortygigabitethernet | gigabitethernet |
tengigabitethernet} rbridge-id/slot/port]
clear counters storm-control interface {fortygigabitethernet | gigabitethernet |
tengigabitethernet} rbridge-id/slot/port
clear counters storm-control multicast [interface {fortygigabitethernet | gigabitethernet |
tengigabitethernet} rbridge-id/slot/port]
clear counters storm-control unknown-unicast [interface {fortygigabitethernet | gigabitethernet |
tengigabitethernet} rbridge-id/slot/port]
clear counters storm-control
Clears all BUM (Broadcast, Unknown unicast and Multicast)-related
counters in the system.
clear counters storm-control broadcast
Clears all BUM-related counters in the system for the broadcast traffic type.
clear counters storm-control interface type rbridge-id/slot/port
Clears all BUM-related counters in the system for the specified interface.
You must specify an interface type, followed by the RBridge ID/slot/port.
show storm-control multicast
Clears all BUM-related counters in the system for the multicast traffic type.
clear counters storm-control unknown-unicast
Clears all BUM-related counters in the system for the unknown-unicast
traffic type.
interface type rbridge-id/slot/port
Specifies an interface type, followed by the RBridge ID/slot/port, for which
to clear all BUM-related counters in the system for the specified traffic type.
Use this parameter to clear counters on a per-port basis.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC mode
Use this command to clear the counters for Broadcast, Unicast, and unknown-Multicast (BUM)
traffic for the entire system, for specified traffic types, for specified interfaces, or for specified
traffic types on specified interfaces.
Usage Guidelines
To clear counters for broadcast traffic on the 10-gigabit Ethernet interface 102/4/1:
switch# clear counters storm-control broadcast interface tengigabitethernet
To clear counters for all traffic types enabled on the 10-gigabit Ethernet interface 102/4/1:
switch# clear counters storm-control interface tengigabitethernet 102/4/1