Show ag map – Brocade Network OS Command Reference v4.1.0 User Manual
Page 729

Network OS Command Reference
show ag map
show ag map
Displays the current VF_Port mapping to N_Ports in Access Gateway mode on a specific switch or
on all switches in the VCS cluster.
show ag map nport [rbridge-id {rbridge-id|all }]
N_Port number supported by the switch model in /rbridge-id/port group/N
Port format.
rbridge-id rbridge-id
Specifies an RBridge ID for the switch.
Specifies all RBridges in the VCS cluster.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC mode
Use this command to display the current VF_Port to N_Port mapping on a local switch, a specific
switch in the VCS cluster, or all switches in the cluster.
Usage Guidelines
To display VF_Ports currently mapped to N_Ports on a specific switch, enter show ag map
rbridge-id rbridge-id.
To display VF_Ports currently mapped to a specific N_Port on a specific switch, enter show ag map
nport rbridge-id rbridge-id. In Network OS commands, N_Ports are designated by the format
rbridge-id/port group/N_Port. Therefore, N_Port 5/0/1 designates that N_Port 1 resides in port
group 0 on RBridge 5. The show ag map command for this N_Port would be the following:
show ag map 5/0/1 rbridge-id 5
To display VF_Ports currently mapped to a specific N_Port on all switches in the VCS cluster, enter
show ag map nport rbridge-id all.
Consider these guidelines when Automatic Login Balancing (LB) mode is enabled or disabled for a
port group.
When Login Balancing (LB) mode is disabled in a port group, the show running-config ag, show
ag map, and show ag commands display the configured VF_Port to N_Port mapping. This is
because configured and active mapping are the same.
When LB mode is enabled in a port group, show ag and show ag map commands display the
active mapping only because VF_Port to N_Port mapping is based on the current distributed
load across all N_Ports. The show running-config ag command displays the configured
mapping only.
Displaying port mapping information for a switch.
sw0# show ag map rbridge 5
Rbridge-ID 5:
N_Port(Fi) PG_ID PG_Name Current_VF_Ports
5/0/1 0 pg0 None
5/0/2 0 pg0 None
5/0/3 0 pg0 None
5/0/4 0 pg0 None
5/0/5 0 pg0 None
5/0/6 0 pg0 None