Qos flowcontrol tx – Brocade Network OS Command Reference v4.1.0 User Manual
Page 616
Network OS Command Reference
qos flowcontrol tx
qos flowcontrol tx
Activates and configures QoS flow control.
qos flowcontrol tx [on | off] rx [on | off]
no qos flowcontrol
tx [on | off]
Activates or deactivates the transmission portion of flow control.
rx [on | off]
Activates or deactivates the receiving portion of flow control.
Command Modes
Interface subconfiguration mode (fo, gi, port-channel, te)
Use this command to configure and activate QoS flow control.
When a 1-Gbps local port is already online, and the qos flowcontrol command is issued, the pause
settings take effect immediately on that local port. However, when the link is toggled, pause is
re-negotiated. The local port will advertise the most recent qos flowcontrol settings. After auto
completes, the local port pause settings may change, depending on the outcome of the pause
negotiation, per 802.3 Clause 28B, as shown below.
Usage Guidelines
Enter no qos flowcontrol to deactivate flow control on a specific interface.
To activate both the transmitting and receiving portions of flow control on a specific 40-gigabit
Ethernet interface:
switch(config)# interface fortygigabitethernet 1/3/1
switch(conf-fo-1/3/1)# qos flowcontrol tx on rx on
To deactivate flow control on a specific port-channel interface:
switch(config)# interface port-channel 33
switch(config-port-channel-33)# no qos flowcontrol
See Also
Pause negotiation results
Advertised LOCAL cfg Advertised REMOTE cfg Negotiated result
Rx=off Tx=on
Rx=on Tx=on
asymmetrical: LOCAL Tx=on --> pause --> REMOTE Rx=on
Rx=on Tx=on
Rx=off Tx=on
asymmetrical: LOCAL Rx=on <-- pause <-- REMOTE Tx=on
Rx=on Tx=n/a
Rx=on Tx=n/a
symmetrical : LOCAL Tx/Rx=on <-- pause --> REMOTE Tx/Rx=on
Rx=n/a Tx=n/a
Rx=off Tx=off
disable pause both sides