Show running-config zoning enabled-configuration – Brocade Network OS Command Reference v4.1.0 User Manual

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Network OS Command Reference


show running-config zoning enabled-configuration


show running-config zoning enabled-configuration

Displays the enabled zone configuration.


show running-config zoning enabled-configuration [cfg-action | cfg-name | default-zone-access]



Displays the enabled configuration action.


Displays the enabled configuration name.

default-zone-access Displays the default-zone access mode.



Command Modes

Privileged EXEC mode


Use this command to display a variety of information related to the enabled zone configuration.


To view details about the enabled zones, use the show zoning enabled-configuration command.

The enabled configuration is the single zone configuration that is currently enabled in a Brocade
VCS Fabric. The devices an initiator can access in the network are based on this configuration. The
enabled configuration is built when a specific zone configuration is enabled and all error checking
has been completed successfully.

Use this command to display the name of the enabled zoning configuration, the configuration
action, and the default-zone access mode.

The configuration name is displayed differently depending on two main factors:

If no transaction is pending, the configuration action is set to “cfg-save.”

If a transaction is pending, the configuration name is marked with a CFG_MARKER asterisk (*)
and the configuration action is set to “cfg-None” The CFG_MARKER flag can also indicate that
the enabled configuration does not exactly match the defined configuration. This scenario
occurs when you have an enabled configuration and make edits to the defined configuration,
and then, instead of enabling the defined configuration, you issue the cfg-save command.

Usage Guidelines

This command is supported in VCS Fabric mode.

Zoning configuration data are automatically distributed among all RBridges in the VCS Fabric.

Standalone mode is not supported.

This command can be executed on any RBridge in a Brocade VCS Fabric.


To display the enabled zoning configuration:

switch# show running-config zoning enabled-configuration

zoning enabled-configuration cfg-name cfg1

zoning enabled-configuration default-zone-access noaccess

zoning enabled-configuration cfg-action cfg-save

To display only the default-zone access mode for the enabled zoning configuration:

switch# show running-config zoning enabled-configuration default-zone-access

zoning enabled-configuration default-zone-access allaccess