Brocade Network OS Command Reference v4.1.0 User Manual
Page 1327
Network OS Command Reference
switchport trunk allowed vlan rspan-vlan
switch(config)# interface tengigabitethernet 178/0/9
switch(conf-if-te-178/0/9)# switchport trunk allowed vlan add 100
To remove the tagged VLAN 100 from the interface:
switch(config)# interface tengigabitethernet 178/0/9
switch(conf-if-te-178/0/9)# switchport trunk allowed vlan remove 100
The following examples illustrate configuration in a Virtual Fabrics context:
Configure an interface as a trunk switchport.
switch(config)# int te 1/0/1
switch(config-if-te-1/0/1)# switchport mode trunk
A C-TAG is required for a classified VLAN (VLAN ID from 4096 through 8191):
switch(config-if-te-1/0/1)# switchport trunk allowed vlan add 7000
switch(config-if-te-1/0/1)# syntax error: unknown argument
Configure a classified VLAN with a C-TAG:
switch(config-if-te-1/0/1)# switchport trunk allowed vlan add 5000 ctag 100
switch(config-if-te-1/0/1)# switchport trunk allowed vlan add 6000 ctag 200
An 802.1Q vlan specified as a user VLAN cannot be used as a C-TAG in a classified VLAN. The
following show conflicts.
Edge C-TAG 100 is already assigned to VLAN 5000 at the same port:
switch(config-if-te-1/0/1)# switchport trunk allow vlan add 8000 ctag 100
switch(config-if-te-1/0/1)# %Error: C-tag is already used.
Edge VLAN 100 is already used as a C-TAG in a classified VLAN:
switch(config-if-te-1/0/1)# switchport trunk allow vlan 100
switch(config-if-te-1/0/1)# %%Error: One of the vlans in the range is
configured as a ctag on the same port.
switch(config-if-te-1/0/1)# switchport trunk allow vlan all
switch(config-if-te-1/0/1)# %%Error: Virtual-fabric vlan classification
configuration exists.
switch(config-if-te-1/0/1)# switchport trunk allow vlan add 888
Edge VLAN 888 was already used in 802.1Q configuration.
switch(config-if-te-1/0/1)# switchport trunk allow vlan add 8000 ctag 888
switch(config-if-te-1/0/1)# %Error: Ctag is configured in the allowed range
on this port.
See Also
interface,rspan-vlan, show vlan, switchport mode, switchport trunk native-vlan,
switchport trunk tag native-vlan, transport-service