Storm-control ingress – Brocade Network OS Command Reference v4.1.0 User Manual

Page 1301

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Network OS Command Reference



storm-control ingress


storm-control ingress

Limits ingress traffic on a specified interface.


storm-control ingress {broadcast | unknown-unicast | multicast} {limit-bps | limit-percent} rate
[{monitor | shutdown]}

no storm-control ingress {broadcast | unknown-unicast | multicast} {limit-bps | limit-percent} rate
[{monitor | shutdown]}



Specifies that the command will operate on broadcast traffic only.


Specifies that the command will operate on unknown-unicast traffic only.


Specifies that the command will operate on multicast traffic only.


Specifies that the value given to the rate parameter is in bits per second.
If the traffic on the interface reaches this rate, no more traffic (for the
traffic type specified) is allowed on the interface.


Specifies that the value given to the rate parameter is in percentage of
capacity of the interface. If the traffic on the interface reaches this
percentage of capacity, no more traffic (for the traffic type specified) is
allowed on the interface.


Specifies the amount of traffic allowed, either in bits per second or a
percentage of the capacity of the interface, depending on which parameter
was chosen with the rate.

Range if you are specifying rate in bps: 0 to 10000000000. Because
each application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) may support different
bit granularity, bit rates are rounded up to the next achievable rate.

Range if you are specifying rate in percent of interface capacity:
0 to 100.


Specifies that, if a rate limit is reached within a five-second sampling
period, a log message gets sent. A log message is generated upon the first
occurrence of such an event. Subsequent log messages are generated only
at the end of one complete sample interval in which no rate limits are


Specifies that, if a rate limit is exceeded within a five-second sampling
period, the interface will be shut down. You must manually re-enable the
interface after a shutdown.



Command Modes

Interface subtype configuration mode


Use this command to limit the amount of broadcast, unknown unicast, and multicast (BUM)
ingress traffic on a specified interface. The shutdown parameter monitors the status of the
configured rate limit every five seconds, and if the maximum defined rate is exceeded the
corresponding interface is shut down until you re-enable it using the no shut command.

Usage Guidelines

This command is supported on the 8770-4 and 8770-8 platforms only.

If you want to modify an active BUM storm control configuration, you must first disable it, then
issue the storm-control ingress command again with the new parameters.