Dot1x quiet-period, Dot1x quiet-period, do, T1x quiet-period, do – Brocade Network OS Command Reference v4.1.0 User Manual
Page 275: Ot1x quiet-period, do

Network OS Command Reference
dot1x quiet-period
dot1x quiet-period
Sets the number of seconds that a switch remains quiet between a failed authentication and an
attempt to retry authentication.
dot1x quiet-period seconds
no dot1x quiet-period
Specifies the time between attempts at authentication. Valid values range
from 1 through 65535 seconds.
60 seconds
Command Modes
Interface subtype configuration mode
Use this command to set the time in seconds a switch waits before attempting to perform
authentication after a failed authentication. When a switch cannot authenticate a client, the
switch remains idle for the quiet-period interval of time, then attempts the operation again.
Usage Guidelines
Changing the quiet-period interval time to a number lower than the default can result in a faster
response time.
Enter no dot1x quiet-period to return to the default setting.
To change the interval time to 200 seconds on a specific 10-gigabit Ethernet interface:
switch(config)# interface tengigabitethernet 178/0/9
switch(conf-if-te-178/9)# dot1x quiet-period 200
To set the interval time to the default value on a specific 40-gigabit Ethernet interface:
switch(config)# interface fortygigabitethernet 180/0/6
switch(conf-if-fo-180/0/6)# no dot1x quiet-period
See Also
interface, dot1x authentication, dot1x port-control, dot1x reauthentication, dot1x reauthMax,
dot1x timeout re-authperiod, dot1x timeout server-timeout, dot1x timeout supp-timeout,
dot1x timeout tx-period