Secpolicy activate – Brocade Network OS Command Reference v4.1.0 User Manual

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Network OS Command Reference



secpolicy activate


secpolicy activate

Activates the defined switch connection control (SCC) policy and its member set.


secpolicy activate [rbridge-id rbridge-id | all]



Enables RBridge ID mode to support Virtual Cluster Switching (VCS) on
individual nodes.


Specifies a unique identifier for a node.


Specifies all identifiers for a node.


Any switch is allowed to join the fabric.

The SCC policy does not exist until it is defined and activated.

Command Modes

Privileged EXEC mode


Use this command to activate the defined SCC policy and its member set. The SCC policy is used
to restrict which switches can join the fabric by either accepting or rejecting the connection
between two switches. Switches are checked against the policy each time an E_Port-to-EX_Port
connection is made. The policy is named SCC_POLICY and accepts device members listed as
World Wide Names (WWNs).

Usage Guidelines

Although the active-policy is listed under the possible completions of secpolicy command, the
defined-policy parameter should be used to create or add policy or members. The secpolicy
activate command activates the policy.

A defined SCC policy must exist before you can activate the policy. You create the policy with the
secpolicy defined-policy command.

During configuration replay, the defined and active policies are replayed and the E_Ports are
enabled or disabled based on the SCC policy entries in the active policy list.

During copy file running-config command execution, only the defined policy in the switch is
updated with the config file entries; the active policy entries remain unchanged. In this case, you
must use the secpolicy activate command to activate the defined policy list.

This command is supported only on Brocade VDX 6730 switches.


Standalone mode

To activate the defined SCC policy:

switch# secpolicy activate

VCS mode

switch# secpolicy activate rbridge-id 3

See Also

secpolicy defined-policy