Qos cos-mutation – Brocade Network OS Command Reference v4.1.0 User Manual
Page 611
Network OS Command Reference
qos cos-mutation
qos cos-mutation
Applies a CoS-to-CoS mutation quality of Service (QoS) map on an interface.
qos cos-mutation name
no qos cos-mutation
Specifies the name of the CoS mutation map.
No explicit CoS-to-CoS mutation QoS map is applied; the inbound CoS equals the outbound CoS.
Command Modes
Interface subtype configuration mode
Use this command to apply a CoS-to-CoS mutation QoS map on a specific interface. Mutation
mapping is a method of modifying a QoS field in all packets on an interface. On ingress, mutation
mapping occurs before traffic classification and all other actions. On egress, mutation mapping
occurs after traffic classification and before all other actions.
Usage Guidelines
The qos cos-mutation command is not available if the interface is in CEE Provisioning mode.
Enter no qos cos-mutation to remove the CoS-to-CoS mutation map.
To activate a CoS-to-CoS mutation QoS map named test on a specific 40-gigabit Ethernet interface:
switch(config)# interface fortygigabitethernet 1/3/1
switch(conf-if-fo-1/3/1)# qos cos-mutation test
To remove a CoS-to-CoS mutation QoS map from a specific port-channel interface:
switch(config)# interface port-channel 22
switch(config-port-channel-22)# no qos cos-mutation
See Also