Vcs logical-chassis enable (fabric cluster mode) – Brocade Network OS Command Reference v4.1.0 User Manual
Page 1388
Network OS Command Reference
vcs logical-chassis enable (fabric cluster mode)
vcs logical-chassis enable (fabric cluster mode)
Changes specified nodes from fabric cluster mode to logical chassis cluster mode.
vcs logical-chassis enable rbridge-id {all | range} default-config
no vcs logical-chassis enable rbridge-id {all | range} default-config
rbridge-id [all | range]
Specifies that you want to either convert all RBridge IDs in the fabric
cluster from fabric cluster mode to logical chassis mode, or that you want to
convert only a range of RBridge IDs. (You can also specify just one RBridge
ID.) Ranges can be specified with hyphens, separated by commas, or contain
a mixture of both. Do not use a space after a comma when specifying a
range of IDs. For example, to specify RBridges 5 through 10 and RBridge 15,
enter: rbridge-id 5,10,15
Uses the default configuration when the nodes are converted to logical
chassis mode. This is a required parameter.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC mode
Use this command to change specified nodes from fabric cluster mode to logical chassis mode. In
logical chassis mode, configuration can be distributed from one node—the primary switch—to all
other nodes in the cluster.
Usage Guidelines
Each time you change the Brocade VCS Fabric configuration, the switch resets to the default
configuration and reboots automatically. Make sure to save the configuration before you issue any
of the commands shown in the Synopsis.
This command can be run only when the switch is in fabric cluster mode. All nodes you want to
convert to logical chassis cluster mode must have the same global configuration for this command
to work.
Conversely, the no form of the command can be run only when the switch is in logical chassis
cluster mode and you want to convert it to fabric cluster mode.
To convert all RBridge IDs in the fabric cluster to logical chassis cluster mode:
switch# vcs logical-chassis enable rbridge-id all default-config
See Also
vcs (standalone mode), vcs rbridge-id (fabric cluster mode), vcs vcsid (fabric cluster mode), vcs
(logical chassis cluster mode), vcs virtual ip, vcs config snapshot (logical chassis cluster mode)