Role name – Brocade Network OS Command Reference v4.1.0 User Manual

Page 668

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Network OS Command Reference


role name


role name

Creates or modifies a user role.


role name role_name [desc description]

no role name



The name of the role.

desc description

An optional description of the role.



Command Modes

Global configuration mode


Use this command to create a new role. A role defines the access privileges of the user accounts
on the switch. A user is associated with a single role. You first create the role and later associate
the role with rules to define the access permissions.

Usage Guidelines

The role name must begin with a letter and can contain alphanumeric characters and
underscores. The length of the role name should be between 4 and 32 characters. The name
cannot be same as that of an existing user.

The description field supports up to 64 characters and can include any printable ASCII character,
except for the following characters: single quotation mark (‘), double quotation mark (“),
exclamation point (!), colon (:), and semi-colon (;). If the description contains spaces. you must
enclose the text in double quotation marks.

The maximum number of roles supported is 64.

Enter no role name to set the attributes to their default values.


To create a role of a VCS administrator

switch(config)# role name VCSAdmin desc “Manages VCS fabrics”

To reset the description to the default value (no description):

switch(config)# no role name VCSAdmin desc

To delete the role:

switch(config)# no role name

See Also

rule, show running-config role, show running-config rule