Vcs vcsid (fabric cluster mode) – Brocade Network OS Command Reference v4.1.0 User Manual

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Network OS Command Reference


vcs vcsid (fabric cluster mode)


vcs vcsid (fabric cluster mode)

Changes the VCS ID and, optionally, the RBridge ID, and can enable logical chassis cluster mode.


vcs vcsid vcsid [logical-chassis enable | rbridge-id rbridge-id [logical-chassis enable]]


vcsid vcsid

Changes the existing VCS ID. The range for this value is 1 to 8192. The

default is 1.

rbridge-id rbridge-id

Changes the existing RBridge ID.

logical-chassis enable

Enables logical chassis cluster mode on the switch.



Command Modes

Privileged EXEC mode


Use this command to change the VCS ID on a switch. At the same time, you can change the
RBridge ID and enable the logical chassis cluster mode for the switch.

Usage Guidelines

Each time you change the Brocade VCS Fabric configuration, the switch resets to the default
configuration and reboots automatically. Make sure to save the configuration before you issue any
of the commands shown in the Synopsis.

To transition a switch from logical chassis cluster mode back to standalone mode, run the
command: no vcs enable


Platforms that allow standalone mode are the Brocade VDS 6710-54, 6720, and 6730.


To convert a node that is in fabric cluster mode to logical chassis cluster mode, while
simultaneously changing its RBridge ID to 10 and its VCS ID to 35:

switch# vcs vcsid 35 rbridge-id 10 logical-chassis enable

See Also

vcs (standalone mode), vcs logical-chassis enable (fabric cluster mode), vcs rbridge-id (fabric
cluster mode)
, vcs (logical chassis cluster mode), vcs virtual ip, vcs config snapshot (logical
chassis cluster mode)