Fcsp auth-secret dhchap – Brocade Network OS Command Reference v4.1.0 User Manual
Page 321

Network OS Command Reference
fcsp auth-secret dhchap
fcsp auth-secret dhchap
Sets the shared secret for DH CHAP authentication.
fcsp auth-secret dhchap node switch_wwn peer-secret secret_key local-secret secret_key
no fcsp auth-secret dhchap node switch_wwn
node switch_wwn
Specifies the world wide name (WWN) of the peer.
peer-secret secret_key
Specifies the secret of the peer that authenticates the peer to the local
local-secret secret_key
Specifies the local secret that authenticates the local switch to the peer.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC mode
Use this command to set the shared secret for DH-CHAP authentication.
Usage Guidelines
The local and peer secret keys must be between 8 and 40 characters long.
Only the following non-alphanumeric characters are valid for the secret key:
@ $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + - < > { } [ ] ; ' :
This command is only supported on Brocade VDX 6730 switches.
Enter no fcsp auth-secret dhchap node switch_wwnn to remove the DHCHAP authentication
secrets from the data base, so that the switch with the given WWN cannot connect to the local
To set the shared secret for DH-CHAP authentication:
switch# fcsp auth-secret dhchap node 50:00:51:ed:2d:c0:1e:64 \peer-secret
12345678 local-secret 87654321
To remove the DH-CHAP authentication secrets from the database:
switch# no fcsp auth-secret dh-chap node 50:00:51:ed:2d:c0:1e:64
Shared secret successfully removed
See Also
fcsp auth, show fcsp auth-secret dh-chap, show running-config fcsp auth