Brocade Network OS Command Reference v4.1.0 User Manual

Page 239

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Network OS Command Reference



debug vrrp



Specifies a valid port number.

ve vlan_id

Specifies the VLAN number for a virtual Ethernet (VE) interface.

packets recv

Debugs packets received.

packets sent

Debugs packets sent.

session VRID

Specifies the virtual group ID to debug. Valid values range from 1
through 128.



Command Modes

Privileged EXEC mode


Use this command to enable or disable debugging for VRRP traffic. You can, for example, capture
event and packet information for all virtual groups or for a specific interface.

Usage Guidelines

This command is for VRRP and VRRP-E. VRRP-E supports only the VE interface type.

Enter no debug vrrp all with to disable all VRRP debugging.

Enter no debug vrrp followed by specific events or packet parameters to remove a specific VRRP
debugging configuration.


To set debugging on sent and received packets for a 10-gigabit Ethernet interface that has an
rbridge-id/slot/port of 121/0/50:

switch# debug vrrp packets interface tengigabitethernet 121/0/50

To set debugging for a session for a VRRP virtual group called vrrp-group-25:

switch# debug vrrp session 25

See Also

vrrp-extended-group, vrrp-group