Vcs config snapshot (logical chassis cluster mode) – Brocade Network OS Command Reference v4.1.0 User Manual

Page 1387

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Network OS Command Reference



vcs config snapshot (logical chassis cluster mode)


vcs config snapshot (logical chassis cluster mode)

Takes a configuration snapshot for a specified RBridge ID.


vcs config snapshot {create | restore} rbridge-id rbridge-id snapshot-id snapshot-id

no vcs config snapshot rbridge-id rbridge-id snapshot-id [all | rbridge-id]



Captures the snapshot configuration from the RBridge ID specified.


Restores the snapshot configuration to the RBridge ID specified.

rbridge-id rbridge-id RBridge ID of the configuration you are capturing in a snapshot or the

RBridge ID to which you are restoring the snapshot.

snapshot-id snapshot-id

Name you give to the snapshot of the configuration.


Designates all of the snapshots.



Command Modes

Privileged EXEC mode


Use this command to take a configuration snapshot for an RBridge ID in a logical chassis cluster
so that this configuration can be restored later if necessary. The snapshot for the RBridge
specified is stored on all switches in the logical chassis cluster.

Usage Guidelines

The vcs config snapshot commands apply onto to nodes in a logical chassis cluster mode. The
create and restore commands can be issued from any node in the cluster even though the
commands pertain to a specific RBridge ID.

If a snapshot was taken on a node that had been disconnected from the cluster, the cluster will not
have the snapshot. In this situation, you can use the copy snapshot commands to put the
snapshot on the cluster. Refer to “copy snapshot (logical chassis cluster mode)” on page 1634.

Create and restore commands can only be issued from the primary node and not from any other


To create a snapshot of the configuration on an RBridge with the ID of 10, and to give the name of
the snapshot "snapshot10:"

switch# vcs config snapshot create rbridge-id 10 snapshot snapshot10

See Also

vcs (standalone mode), vcs logical-chassis enable (fabric cluster mode), vcs rbridge-id (fabric
cluster mode)
, vcs vcsid (fabric cluster mode), vcs (logical chassis cluster mode), vcs virtual ip,