Switchport trunk native-vlan – Brocade Network OS Command Reference v4.1.0 User Manual
Page 1329

Network OS Command Reference
switchport trunk native-vlan
switchport trunk native-vlan
Sets native VLAN characteristics as an 802.1Q VLAN, or, in a Virtual Fabrics context, as service or
transport VF on a trunk port, matching tagged or untagged data traffic that does not match a
classification rule.
switchport trunk native-vlan vlan_id [ctag id]
no switchport trunk native-vlan vlan_id [ctag id]
Adds a VLAN to transmit and receive through the Layer 2 interface. Refer to
the Usage Guidelines.ctag idSets an optional C-TAG for a service or
transport VF (VLAN ID > 4095). If not present, the native VLAN is untagged.
Command Modes
Interface subtype configuration mode
Use this command to set native VLAN characteristics as an 802.1Q VLAN, or, in a Virtual Fabrics
context, as a service or transport VF on a trunk port, matching tagged or untagged data traffic that
does not match a classification rule.
Usage Guidelines
For VLAN IDs above 4095, the ctag keyword is optional.
If ctag is not used, the native VLAN is untagged and the command is validated against the [no]
switchport trunk tag native-vlan command, which controls the tagging of the native VLAN at
the interface level. The switchport trunk native-vlan command is accepted only if the
configuration set by the switchport trunk tag native-vlan command allows untagged packets.
Validation against the global command no vlan dot1q tag native is not required.
When ctag is used, both the interface subtype and global commands that control native VLAN
tagging apply to the specified native VLAN.
Use the no form of this command to unconfigure the native VLAN. VLAN 1 then becomes the native
On the Brocade VDX family of switches, VLANs are treated as interfaces from a configuration point
of view. By default, all the DCB ports are assigned to VLAN 1 (VLAN ID equals 1). Valid VLAN IDs
are as follows:
On Brocade VDX 8770 switches: 1 through 4086 for 802.1Q VLANs (VLAN IDs 4087
through 4095 are reserved on these switches), and 4096 through 8191 for service or
transport VFs in a Virtual Fabrics context.
On all other Brocade VDX switches: 1 through 3962 for 802.1Q VLANs (VLAN IDs 3963
through 4095 are reserved on these switches), and 4096 through 8191 for service or
transport VFs in a Virtual Fabrics context.
For service or transport VFs (VLAN ID 4096 through 8191), the C-TAG cannot be a default VLAN, a
reserved VLAN, or an internal control VLAN. An FCoE VLAN ID can be used as a C-TAG provided the
interface is not configured for “fcoeport default.”
The native VLAN must accept tagged frames for the ctag keyword to apply.
Enter no switchport trunk native-vlan to reset the native VLAN to the default setting
To set native VLAN characteristics for an802.1Q VLAN whose VLAN ID is 120:
switch(config)# interface tengigabitethernet 178/0/9