Show qos red statistics interface – Brocade Network OS Command Reference v4.1.0 User Manual
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Network OS Command Reference
show qos red statistics interface
show qos red statistics interface
Displays Random Early Discard (RED) statistics for a specific interface.
show qos red statistics interface interface-name
Name of interface where a RED profile is applied.
Command Modes
Privileged EXEC mode
Use this command to display statistics for RED on a specific interface where a RED profile is
applied. Statistics include packets and bytes dropped for the CoS priority mapped to the profile for
the interface.
Usage Guidelines
To display RED statistics on interfaces, use the show qos red statistics interface interface-name
command. Notice that the colors in the following example (red, yellow, and green) relate to
color-based priority mapping set through the Port-Based Policer feature. Refer to the
Network OS Administrator’s Guide for more information.
switch# show qos red statistics interface te 2/1
Statistics for interface: Te 2/1
CoS: 2, ProfileId: 20
Packets Dropped: Red: 0,
Yellow: 0, Green: 0, Queue Drops: 0
Bytes Dropped: Red: 0,
Yellow: 0, Green: 0, Queue Drops: 0
CoS: 3, ProfileId: 10
Packets Dropped: Red: 0,
Yellow: 0, Green: 0, Queue Drops: 0
Bytes Dropped: Red: 0,
Yellow: 0, Green: 0, Queue Drops: 0
See Also