Switchport mode private-vlan – Brocade Network OS Command Reference v4.1.0 User Manual
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Network OS Command Reference
switchport mode private-vlan
switchport mode private-vlan
Sets the private VLAN (PVLAN) mode of the Layer 2 interface.
switchport mode private-vlan trunk [trunk host | trunk promiscuous | host]
Sets the port mode to PVLAN trunk port. This port can carry multiple VLANs.
The outgoing packets carry all VLANs, except for native VLANs.
trunk host
Sets the port mode to host (community or isolated) mode. The trunk
operand means the outgoing packet will be tagged “accept”.
trunk promiscuous
Sets the port mode to promiscuous mode.
Sets the port mode to host (community or isolated) mode. It accepts the
untagged or priority tagged packet, and the outgoing packet is untagged.
The port does not have any PVLAN attributes by default.
Command Modes
Interface subtype configuration mode
Use this command to set the private VLAN mode of the Layer 2 interface. This command assigns
the primary Vlan to a promiscuous port (refer to the Usage Guidelines). This command also maps a
promiscuous port to selected secondary VLANs. This means only selected VLANs can send
packets to this port.
Usage Guidelines
All switchport modes are independent from each other, including normal mode (access/trunk) and
above private VLAN modes. Based on the default behavior we are having right now, new mode will
automatically overwrite the existing mode by deleting the existing mode (removing any
relationship/association) and applying the new mode.
On the Brocade VDX family of switches, VLANs are treated as interfaces from a configuration point
of view. By default, all the DCB ports are assigned to VLAN 1 (VLAN ID equals 1). Valid VLAN IDs
are as follows:
On Brocade VDX 8770 switches: 1 through 4086 for 802.1Q VLANs (VLAN IDs 4087
through 4095 are reserved on these switches), and 4096 through 8191 for service or
transport VFs in a Virtual Fabrics context.
On all other Brocade VDX switches: 1 through 3962 for 802.1Q VLANs (VLAN IDs 3963
through 4095 are reserved on these switches), and 4096 through 8191 for service or
transport VFs in a Virtual Fabrics context.
To set the mode of a specific 10-gigabit Ethernet interface to PVLAN trunk:
switch(config)# interface tengigabitethernet 178/0/9
switch(conf-if-te-178/0/9)# switchport mode private-vlan trunk
To set the mode of a specific 10-gigabit Ethernet interface to PVLAN promiscuous (untagged):
switch(config)# interface tengigabitethernet 178/0/9
switch(conf-if-te-178/0/9)# switchport mode private-vlan promiscuous
To set the mode of a specific 10-gigabit Ethernet interface to PVLAN promiscuous (tagged):
switch(config)# interface tengigabitethernet 178/0/9
switch(conf-if-te-178/0/9)# switchport mode private-vlan trunk promiscuous
See Also
private-vlan, show vlan, switchport access, switchport trunk allowed vlan rspan-vlan, switchport