Apple Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual
Page 956

Once you do this, several things happen before your clip is placed in the Timeline.
• Any audio within the defined duration of your sequence that requires rendering is
• The playhead moves back 5 seconds before the specified In point, and a 5-second
pre-roll plays to prepare you for recording.
The last 3 seconds of this pre-roll are indicated by beeps to give you a timing cue. Also,
the entire duration of the pre-roll is indicated by a countdown to 0, along with a
progressive change in color from yellow to red in the status area. Even though this
countdown happens before the duration you’ve specified in the Timeline, audio is
recorded during this pre-roll to avoid cutting off the first word you say.
Note: During the 5 seconds of pre-roll, audio that occurs before the beginning of the
Timeline cannot be recorded.
Once the pre-roll has played, begin your voiceover.
The following things occur as your voiceover is recorded and saved:
• The status area is red and displays “Recording” to indicate that you’re recording; a bar
graph shows you how much of the specified duration still needs to be recorded.
• Fifteen seconds before the end of your recording, you are cued with a single warning
• During the last 5 seconds of recording, the status area displays a countdown from 5 to
0, and you hear five beeps to let you know your time is nearly up. The last beep is
longer and has a lower pitch.
• Recording continues 2 seconds past the end of your specified Out point to prevent
your last word from being cut off. During this time, the status area displays “Finishing.”
• The status area displays “Saving” while the audio clip is saved to the specified scratch
• Finally, the recorded clip is automatically edited into your sequence and the status area
displays “Ready to Record.”
Chapter 58
Using the Voice Over Tool