Luma key – Apple Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual
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looping A playback mode in which clips and sequences go back to the beginning
whenever the playhead reaches the end of the media. The Loop Playback command is
in the View menu.
LTC Stands for longitudinal timecode. A method of writing timecode to a dedicated
timecode or audio track of an audio or video recorder. Compare with VITC.
luma A value describing the brightness of a video image. A luma channel is a grayscale
image showing the range of brightness across the whole clip.
luma key A filter used to key out pixels of a certain luma value (or a range of luma values),
creating a matte based on the brightest or darkest area of an image. Keying out luma
values works best when your clip has a large discrepancy in exposure between the areas
that you want to key out and the foreground images you want to preserve, such as a
white title on a black background. See also
markers In Final Cut Pro, points of reference in clips and sequences. Markers can be
placed directly in clips, or they can be placed in sequences in the Timeline ruler.
mask An image or clip used to define areas of transparency in another clip. Similar to an
alpha channel.
master clip A clip that controls the relationship to a media file for all the clip’s affiliate
clips in your project.
Mastering mode In Final Cut Pro, a mode in the Edit to Tape window that lets you output
additional elements such as color bars and tone, a slate, and a countdown when you
output your program to tape.
master shot A wide-angle shot that encompasses the entire scene. Traditionally, this is
the first shot that is taken for a scene and is the shot used as the basis for that scene
when editing.
master tape The final tape that contains a finished program at its highest quality. Master
tapes should be suitable for duplication, broadcast, and archiving.
match frame commands The match frame commands in Final Cut Pro allow you to
quickly open a copy of a clip at the same frame.
match-on-action A cut from one shot to another with similar action in the frame; for
example, cutting from a shot of a woman opening the door outside an apartment to a
shot from the interior of the apartment of the door opening and the woman walking in.