Apple Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual

Page 410

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Final Cut Pro places new subclips in the same Browser bin as the original clip they came
from, automatically appending the word “Subclip” to the name and numbering each
successive subclip you create from a particular clip. For example, if the original clip is
named “Debra enters cafe,” the first subclip is named “Debra enters cafe Subclip,” the
second is “Debra enters cafe Subclip 2,” and so on. When a new subclip is first created,
its name is highlighted and ready to be changed.

Numbered subclips are
placed in the same bin
as the master clip.

You can rename subclips, move them into different bins, and organize them in any way
you choose. After you’ve created your subclips, you can open them in the Viewer and set
new edit points, just as you can with any other clip. The original clip remains in the
Browser, but is completely independent of your subclips. Any changes you make to a
subclip are not applied to the original clip.

To create a subclip


Open a clip in the Viewer.


Set In and Out points.


Chapter 28

Creating Subclips