Editing with subclips – Apple Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual

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Editing with Subclips

You can edit with subclips in the same way as with any other clips. You can even add
markers to subclips and create subclips from those. This is no different than creating
subclips from clips.

Final Cut Pro also allows you to edit directly with markers, turning them into subclips
when you release them in the Timeline. However, it’s usually best to not do this. A marker
is never a master clip, so subclips created by dragging a marker into a sequence are
independent clips. If you want to edit with subclips, you should convert markers into
subclips first. This maintains a master-affiliate relationship between the affiliate subclips
in a sequence and the master subclip in the Browser, which makes media management

For more information, see

“Master-Affiliate Clip Relationships.”

Creating Independent Media Files from Subclips After Capturing

When you capture each source tape as a whole media file and then break it into smaller
subclips, you will inevitably discover a number of subclips that you don’t need for your
project. If you are trying to save disk space, you can delete portions of media files that
you know you don’t need. This process affects your media files, so it is considered to be
media management.

You can use the Media Manager to break the original media file into smaller media
files—one media file for each subclip. You can then delete the media files for any subclips
you don’t want to keep.


It’s a good idea to break your media file into smaller media files before you

begin editing.

To organize subclips you want to keep and subclips you want to delete


In the Browser, create two bins named “Keep” and “Delete.”


Review each subclip by playing it in the Viewer, then move it to the Keep bin or the Delete


Continue watching and sorting subclips until all the subclips are in either the Keep or
Delete bin.

There are many other techniques you could use to organize your subclips, such as using
two different labels, or using the Good property for subclips you want to keep, and so
on. Use whatever method works best for you.

To delete media not referred to by selected subclips


Delete the master clip (the original clip that refers to the full-length media file).


In the Browser, select the subclips that you want to keep for use in your project.


Chapter 28

Creating Subclips