Apple Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual

Page 1357

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Another way to use these controls is to select all the clips in the scene you’re working on
and then apply the color correction filter to all of them. Once you’ve done that, it’s easy
to use the Copy Filter controls to copy any color correction settings that you change from
prior clips in the sequence to current ones, and vice versa. For clips with multiple filters,
the Copy Filter controls operate by the following rules.

“Copy From” Rule
If the current clip has multiple filters and you’re copying from a clip with multiple filters,
Final Cut Pro copies from a filter with the same index number as the current one being
adjusted, if possible. For example, if the previous clip has three filters, and the current
clip has three filters, clicking the Copy From 1st Clip Back button in the Color Corrector-3
tab copies the settings from the third color correction filter in the previous clip.

If the previous clip doesn’t have the same number of filters, the Copy From buttons copy
settings from the first available color correction filter that matches the type of the current
one. If there are no color correction filters in the previous clips, these buttons are dimmed.

Previous clip

Copy From

1st Clip Back


Current clip


Chapter 81

Color Correction Filters