Output requirements – Apple Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual

Page 1668

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For example, if you are outputting to Digital Betacam, you should be editing with a
video codec that supports uncompressed video and is compatible with your third-party
video interface. When you output to tape, the video interface converts the
uncompressed video codec to a standard SDI signal, which enters the VTR via an SDI
input and is recorded to a Digital Betacam tape.

An uncompressed video editing system requires fast hard disks, a third-party video
interface to convert the media file format on disk to the input connection on the VTR
(for example, SDI), and a third-party device control adapter (such as a USB-to-serial port
adapter) for communication between Final Cut Pro and the VTR.

Analog composite video output: Formats like VHS and 3/4" U-matic are still the lowest

common denominator for video distribution, even though these formats are being
replaced by DVD, DV, and QuickTime movie files (two of these aren’t even tape formats
at all!). These formats are mostly used for work-in-progress copies of your movie.

Choosing an output video format determines your equipment requirements. For example,
if you are editing DV and outputting to DV, your computer’s built-in FireWire port can
transfer video to your camcorder or deck. On the other hand, if you are editing
uncompressed video, your media files and sequence settings must use a video codec
compatible with a third-party video interface which is then connected to your VTR.

Output Requirements

Included here is a list of requirements for different types of output.

Requirements for Full-Resolution DV Output
Full-resolution DV output requires the following:

• Media files captured with a DV capture preset

• Sequence settings that match your DV capture settings

• A DV camcorder or deck with a FireWire port for transferring video, audio, and device

control data

Requirements for Full-Resolution Digital Betacam Output
Full-resolution Digital Betacam output requires the following:

• Media files captured with a high-resolution, uncompressed codec

• Sequence settings that match your clips’ capture settings (unless you want to render

your entire sequence before you output)

• A third-party video interface capable of SDI output and digital audio output

• A serial port adapter for connecting 9-pin device control to the output VTR

• A Digital Betacam deck


Chapter 100

Preparing to Output to Tape