Apple Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual
Page 1863

Enter a number to compensate for delays between the start of playback and the start
of recording on your deck when editing to tape. This is normally set to 0. Enter a positive
number to start playback before recording begins; enter a negative number to start
playback after recording begins.
Note: If the first frame is duplicated over several frames when you’re editing to tape,
enter the number of duplicated frames in this field to eliminate the problem.
• Pre-roll and Post-roll: Because VTRs and audio players are mechanical devices, it takes
a few seconds for the device’s motor to stabilize and reach a steady speed after starting
from a stopped or paused position. The pre-roll time sets how far in advance your
camcorder or deck starts playing back your source tape before capture or output. In
most cases, the 3 second default is sufficient. Both pre- and post-roll values are used
when you click the Play Around Current Frame button in the Log and Capture window,
and when you preview an insert edit in the Edit to Tape window before committing
the edit to tape.
• Auto Record and PTV after: Check this box to have Final Cut Pro automatically put your
DV camcorder or deck in Record mode when using the Print to Video command. Specify
the number of seconds you want Final Cut Pro to wait before going into Record mode
and printing to video (after you click OK in the Print to Video dialog). If this option is
not selected, when you print to tape, you’re prompted to insert a tape and manually
press record on the VTR. This checkbox is also available in the Print to Video dialog.
Device Control Protocols Supported by Final Cut Pro
A device control protocol defines the rules and syntax for how two devices communicate
with each other. The two connected devices must negotiate and agree upon the speed
of communication (often measured in bits per second or bauds, much like a modem), the
length of each binary word, and how different commands—such as play, rewind, and
fast-forward—are coded. Once the two devices have successfully established
communication via a remote control protocol, navigational commands, timecode, and
so on can be transferred between the device and Final Cut Pro.
To establish remote device control between a VTR or camcorder and a computer, you
need to connect a remote control cable between the device and your computer. You
also need to tell Final Cut Pro what communication protocol your device understands.
The most common methods of device control and timecode capture are:
• FireWire with DV timecode
• Serial RS-232 or RS-422 with SMPTE timecode
Chapter 114
Device Control Settings and Presets