Exporting film, change, and audio lists, About film lists, About change lists – Apple Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual

Page 1659: About audio edls

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To open a clip in Cinema Tools from Final Cut Pro


Select a clip or a group of clips in the Browser.


Choose View > Open in Cinema Tools.

The clip opens in a Cinema Tools Clip window. If you selected multiple clips, each opens
in its own Clip window. Any changes you make, such as to a camera roll number, are
added to the clip’s database record.

After you have finished making the changes, you can synchronize the clips in Final Cut Pro
with the modified Cinema Tools database. See

“Synchronizing Clips with the Cinema Tools


for more information.

Exporting Film, Change, and Audio Lists

Once you finish editing a sequence in Final Cut Pro, you can export a film cut list or audio
edit list. Final Cut Pro sends the video timecode and clip information to Cinema Tools,
which then opens the appropriate database and maps the timecode back to corresponding
edge code numbers.

About Film Lists

A film list contains one or more lists describing your Final Cut Pro sequence in terms
relevant to a negative cutter or film optical house. The most basic list is a cut list, which
describes edge code start and end numbers for each clip and any simple effects such as
dissolves or fades. Cinema Tools can export a customized film list as a PDF file or an XML
file that you can further process however you want.

About Change Lists

Inevitably, there are changes to a movie after the picture is “locked.” When you make
last-minute changes in Final Cut Pro, you can export a change list that describes the
changes between a previous film list and your current sequence. A negative cutter can
then modify the film as necessary.

About Audio EDLs

Film lists describe only the video portion of your sequence. An audio EDL exports audio
clip start and end timecode values from your sequence. You can bring the audio EDL to
an audio post-production facility for audio cleanup and final mixing.


Chapter 99

Working with Film and Cinema Tools