Apple Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual
Page 1544

Choose Preferences from the Action pop-up menu (the menu with the gear icon).
When the Import Preferences dialog appears, choose the setting in the “Transcode to”
column corresponding to the format you want to use in your online-quality sequence.
Open the project file you created that contains your duplicated sequence with
online-quality settings.
Close the Log and Transfer window when you have finished.
In the Browser, select the sequence with the online-quality settings.
To retransfer all of the offline clips in the sequence, do one of the following:
• Choose File > Batch Capture.
• Control-click the sequence and choose Batch Capture from the shortcut menu.
• Press Control-C.
For more information, see
“Transferring File-Based Media.”
Adding Final Color Correction, Effects, Transitions, and Titles
An online edit session focuses on the quality of your video. A fully-equipped online edit
suite includes a video waveform monitor, a vectorscope, and a broadcast-quality monitor
to make sure your video looks as good as possible.
Output to Tape, MPEG-2 (for DVD), or a QuickTime Movie File
Once all effects are added, color correction is completed, and the final audio mix is added,
you render sections of the Timeline where necessary and then output to tape. For more
information about output to tape, see
“Preparing to Output to Tape.”
Alternatively, you can export to an MPEG-2 file for DVD, a QuickTime movie file for web
output, or an image sequence for transfer to film. For more information about these
output methods, see the corresponding sections in
“Exporting Sequences for DVD,”
“Exporting Still Images and Image Sequences.”
Online Editing on Non–Final Cut Pro Editing Systems
The offline/online editing workflow is the same regardless of the type of editing systems
you use for each phase. The critical step is generating a project interchange file that
correctly translates your edit decisions from one system to another. Transferring from an
offline Final Cut Pro system to an online Final Cut Pro system is easy because both systems
recognize the native Final Cut Pro project file format. However, there are situations when
you want to use a non–Final Cut Pro system for online editing, usually to take advantage
of the unique features of that system.
Chapter 91
Offline and Online Editing