Choosing names and logging information for clips – Apple Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual

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Note: Tapes recorded using professional video equipment allow the user to define the
timecode with custom hour numbers, so you can use those for your reel names. For
example, tape 001 would begin at timecode 01:00:00:00, and tape 022 would start at
timecode 22:00:00:00, and so on. Of course, this method only works if you have fewer
than 24 tapes.

Most mini-DV devices don’t allow you to set custom hour numbers, so with these devices
the best policy is to write reel names onto the tapes themselves, and to use these to
identify your tapes.

Note: If you plan on exporting an EDL, there are restrictions on the reel names you can
use. The restrictions depend on what EDL format you’re using. For more information, see

“Importing and Exporting EDLs.”

When logging, always make sure that you:

• Label your tapes with simple, unique names. If the reel names you used during

production are too long and complicated, you may want to relabel your tapes when
you start post-production, using a simpler, more consistent naming convention.

• Assign the proper reel name to each clip before you log and capture it. If a clip is

assigned the wrong reel name, Final Cut Pro asks for the wrong tape whenever you
recapture. You can change a clip’s reel name in the Browser, or by selecting the clip
and choosing Modify > Timecode. For more information, see

“Working with Timecode.”

Choosing Names and Logging Information for Clips

Before you start logging clips, think about the filenaming scheme you want to use for
your project. It’s easier to edit when you have an organized naming system, especially if
there are several people working on a project at one time. This will help you avoid
duplicate clip names.


Captured media files are named after the clips that are used to capture them.

You should avoid certain characters in your filenames. For more information, see

“Filenaming Considerations.”

Logging Suggestions for Projects That Are Tightly Scripted

These types of projects include narrative and educational projects or projects with scripts
that actors adhere to. Projects like this can benefit from:

• Using the Description field to name each separate shot.

• Using auto-incrementing numbers in the logging fields. Each time you log a clip, the

number at the end of a logging field is automatically incremented so you can focus on
logging the content of your footage. Use this feature to keep track of where your clips
fit into the overall script.


Chapter 15

Overview of Capturing Tape-Based Media