Apple Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual

Page 804

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To perform an overwrite edit: Press Command-F10.

The content of the source sequence is edited into the destination sequence in the Timeline.

To edit content from one sequence into another by dragging it into the Timeline


In the Timeline, open the destination sequence (where the copied clips will go) by clicking
the sequence’s tab.


If necessary, create additional tracks for each track present in the source sequence.


If you don’t create additional tracks, only clips in V1, A1, and A2 will be copied

from the source sequence.


Drag a sequence from either the Browser or the Viewer to the area of the Timeline you
want to edit the content into.

A highlighted area shows

where the content from the

source sequence will go.


Keeping the mouse button held down, press the Command key.


Keeping the Command key held down, release the mouse button.

The content of the sequence you dragged is edited into the currently active sequence in
the Timeline, with all clips appearing individually.


Chapter 49

Sequence-to-Sequence Editing