Nesting a sequence, Basic sequence and timeline settings, Why would you change your sequence settings – Apple Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual
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Nesting a Sequence
In Final Cut Pro, you can treat sequences as clips and edit them into other sequences.
This is called nesting a sequence, because you put one sequence inside of another. Nesting
sequences is a common practice when you work on small, independent sequences for a
while and then you want to quickly attach them together in another, master sequence.
Nesting sequences does create some processing overhead, and can make media
management more complicated.
For more information, see
Basic Sequence and Timeline Settings
Before you began logging and capturing, you most likely chose an Easy Setup that
established your basic sequence settings and Timeline display options. An Easy Setup is
a preset group of capture, device control, sequence, external playback, and output settings
for a particular video or audio format and hardware configuration. Each Easy Setup
represents a simple workflow that maintains that same video format throughout capturing,
editing, and output. If one of the available Easy Setups describes your workflow, you
should have no need to adjust your sequence and Timeline settings. For more information,
“Audio/Video Settings and Easy Setups.”
You can easily conform your sequence settings to the settings of the first clip you edit
into your sequence. For more information, see
“Working with Mixed-Format Sequences.”
Why Would You Change Your Sequence Settings?
Although the instances are rare, there are a few situations that may prompt you to change
your sequence settings:
• You’ve imported multiple video or audio formats, and you decide to change your
sequence settings to accommodate the more dominant format in your sequence to
reduce rendering.
• You’ve changed your video interface or capturing setup, allowing you to work in the
(YUV) color space rather than the RGB color space.
• You’ve added an audio output device that allows you to output multiple channels of
audio directly from Final Cut Pro.
• Your intended output format has changed.
Sequence settings such as frame size, video compressor, and audio sample rate can be
modified at any time.
Note: The one setting that may not be changed is the sequence frame rate (referred to
as the editing timebase). You can change a sequence’s frame rate (editing timebase) only
if the sequence is empty. Once a sequence contains one or more clips, you can’t change
its editing timebase. Removing all the clips from the sequence allows you to change the
sequence’s editing timebase.
Chapter 30
Working with Projects, Clips, and Sequences