Apple Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual
Page 417

If you used the method above for separating subclips into Keep and Delete bins, select
the subclips in the Keep bin. These are the subclips that refer to portions of the media
file you want to keep.
Choose File > Media Manager.
Choose Use Existing from the “Media referenced by selected items” pop-up menu.
Select the “Delete unused media from selected clips” checkbox.
This tells Final Cut Pro to delete any portions of the media file that are not referenced by
the subclips you currently have selected in the Browser.
Choose Clip Names from the “Base media file names on” pop-up menu.
This option uses the names of your subclips to name the resulting media files.
Make sure the “Duplicate selected clips and place into a new project” checkbox is not
Click OK.
Because this is a destructive process (meaning some of your media will likely be deleted),
Final Cut Pro checks to see if any other clips in your project also refer to the same media
file. If so, Final Cut Pro tells you how many other clips besides the subclips you have
currently selected may be affected by deleting media. In this case, any subclips you didn’t
select originally will become offline unless you include them in your media management.
Choose one of the following options:
• Add: Adds the other clips to your selection so that the portions of media they represent
are also preserved along with the media of the original selected subclips. This may be
useful if you forgot to select some subclips in the Browser before you opened the Media
Manager. If a master clip for the media file still exists in the Browser, adding it to the
current selection for media management will result in no deletion of media; since the
master clip refers to all of the media, all of the media file is considered to be used.
• Continue: Go on without adding any other clips to the selection. If you are confident
that you have selected all the subclips you want to keep, choose this option.
• Abort: If you are worried that you haven’t selected all of the subclips you want to keep,
you can stop the process and start the task over from the beginning, making sure
you’ve selected the correct subclips.
Final Cut Pro warns you one final time that you are about to delete media from the hard
disk, and that this process is not recoverable. This isn’t really as bad as it sounds in most
cases, since you can always recapture footage from tape (assuming your media files
originally came from videotape).
Choose Continue to delete media not referenced by the currently selected subclips, or
choose Abort to stop the process, leaving your media file intact.
Chapter 28
Creating Subclips