Apple Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual
Page 1084

Note: The zoom level you specify changes the display size of the image only and doesn’t
affect the frame size of your edited sequence.
To zoom in to the Canvas
Do one of the following:
Choose View > Level, then choose a magnification level from the submenu.
With the Canvas active, press Command-Equal Sign (=) to zoom in; press
Command-Hyphen (-) to zoom out. The zoom increments are the same as those in the
View pop-up menu.
Magnification levels
Tip: To reset the zoom level to the current size of the Canvas, make the Canvas active,
then choose View > Level > Fit to Window (or press Shift-Z). This command also works
in the Viewer.
Choose a magnification level from the View pop-up menu in the Canvas.
Using Wireframe Handles to Transform, Scale, and Rotate
In many instances, you may find that dragging the handles of a selected clip in the Canvas
is faster and more intuitive than adjusting its parameters in the Motion tab of the Viewer.
Note: You must be in Image+Wireframe or Wireframe mode to use wireframe handles.
To scale a clip
Select a clip in the Timeline.
Chapter 66
Changing Motion Parameters