Apple Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual
Page 1572

Media Area
This area is where you choose what you want to do to the media files on disk that are
referenced by your selection—copy, move, recompress at a specified sequence preset,
process only existing media, or create offline clips (creates a copy of clips or sequences
with no associated media). You can also choose to include render files, delete unused
media, and add handles.
Specify additional
options here.
Choose what you
want to do with the
selected media.
• Media pop-up menu: The choices in this pop-up menu represent the main Media
Manager tasks. All other options in the Media Manager follow from the choice you
make here.
• Copy: This option copies all the selected items’ media files to the folder or disk
specified in the Media Destination path.
• Move: This option moves selected items’ media files to the location specified in the
Media Destination path.
• Recompress: This is nearly the same as the Copy option, but it allows you to
recompress the selected items’ media files using a codec different from the one they
were captured with and place them at a specified location. You choose the
recompression settings used from the “Recompress media using” pop-up menu,
which lists all sequence presets in Final Cut Pro. If no preset suits your needs, you
can choose Custom and specify your own settings in the Sequence Preset Editor
window that appears. These settings cannot be saved as a sequence preset; they are
used only for the immediate operation. When you use the Recompress option, clips’
motion attributes are changed to match the new dimensions of the sequence preset
you chose. Only QuickTime movies are recompressed; other types of files (such as
Photoshop or AIFF files) are simply copied.
Chapter 93
Overview of the Media Manager