Apple Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual

Page 586

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Joining Through Edits (Splicing Cut Clips Back Together)

Whenever you cut a clip item with the razor blade tool, the clip item is split into two
pieces separated by a through edit. You can’t see a through edit when you play back your
sequence in the Canvas because the frames on either side of the edit are from a continuous
section of a media file. However, you can turn on through edit indicators—two red
triangles above and below through edits—to see them in the Timeline. You can join
through edits at any time, splicing the separated clip items back into a single clip item.

Joining the two items of a through edit reduces the number of edits in your sequence
and simplifies Edit Decision Lists (EDLs). When you join two items of a through edit that
have different properties (such as different filters, different opacity or audio levels, or
different composite modes), the newly joined clip uses the properties of the item on the
left only.

To remove a through edit
Do one of the following:


Select a through edit in the Timeline, then press Delete.


Control-click a through edit in the Timeline, then choose Join Through Edit from the
shortcut menu.

The clip items on either side of the through edit become a single clip item.


Chapter 39

Cutting Clips and Adjusting Durations