Disabling tracks to hide content during playback – Apple Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual

Page 505

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To lock an audio track using keyboard shortcuts


Press F5 and the number of the track you want to lock (for tracks 1 through 9).

The control changes
to the locked position.
Click the control again
to unlock the track.

The track is cross-hatched
to indicate it’s locked.

To lock all video tracks in a sequence


Press Shift-F4.

To lock all audio tracks in a sequence


Press Shift-F5.

To lock all other audio or video tracks except the selected track


Press Option while clicking the Lock Track control for the track you don’t want locked.

About Working with Clips on Locked Tracks

Clip items on locked tracks cannot be moved, edited, deleted, or modified in any way.
However, they can still be selected, along with any linked items in other tracks.

The Editing tab of the User Preferences window has an option called “Pen tools can edit
locked item overlays” (to view this window, choose Final Cut Pro > User Preferences). If
this option is selected, you can use the Pen, Delete Point, and Smooth Point tools to
modify the audio levels or opacity of clip items even though they’re on locked tracks.
Clip overlays only control audio levels and video opacity. No other clip parameters can
be changed when a track is locked.

Disabling Tracks to Hide Content During Playback

You can disable entire tracks to hide their contents during playback. The clips on a disabled
track are not visible or audible when you play it, nor will they render or be output to tape.


Chapter 34

Working with Tracks in the Timeline