Track strips area – Apple Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual

Page 880

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Track Strips Area

In a typical audio mixer, each channel has a corresponding channel strip with level and
pan controls. In the Final Cut Pro Audio Mixer, each track in your sequence has a
corresponding track strip with mute, solo, pan, and audio level controls. If a track’s Track
Visibility control is deselected in the Track Visibility area, its track strip does not appear
here. If an audio track is disabled in the Timeline, that track’s track strip controls are



Track name

Panning slider


Track audio level meter

Tip: The height of the Tool Bench window affects the displayed resolution of the faders
in the Audio Mixer. For example, if you compare the length of faders in taller and shorter
Tool Bench windows, an identical movement results in a greater level change with the
shorter fader, and a smaller level change with the longer fader. This means that you can
achieve more subtle control of a clip’s levels, if necessary, by making the Tool Bench
window taller.

The Track Strips area includes the following controls:

Track name: Corresponds to the audio track in the current sequence (or in the Viewer).

Mute button: Click to turn off audio playback for that track. The same mute button is

available in the Timeline. Use the mute button to quickly mute or unmute a track while
your sequence plays. For example, if you want to briefly compare what your audio mix
sounds like with and without the track, you can use the mute button while the sequence

Muting a track does not delete pan or audio level keyframes, nor does it prevent fader
automation. Muting tracks only affects playback; muted tracks are still output during
Print to Video and Edit to Tape operations, and during export to audio or movie files.

Note: To prevent a track from being output or exported, you need to disable the track
in the Timeline. For more information, see

“Working with Tracks in the Timeline.”


Chapter 55

Overview of the Audio Mixer