Setting up a final cut pro editing system – Apple Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual

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Setting Up a Final Cut Pro Editing System

This section explains how to set up a basic editing system. Even if you are building a more
complex editing system, you should read about the basic setup process first. References
to more advanced information are included within each stage.

The basic process for setting up a Final Cut Pro editing system is outlined below.

Stage 1:

Connecting Input and Output Devices for Capture and Output

If you are using DV video, this means connecting your DV camcorder to your computer
via a FireWire cable. For information about connecting professional and non-DV
equipment, see

“Connecting Professional Video and Audio Equipment.”

For information

about setting up HDV, DVCPRO HD, IMX, Panasonic P2, or XDCAM HD devices, see
Professional Formats and Workflows, available in Final Cut Pro Help.

Stage 2:

Connecting an External Video Monitor and Audio Speakers

For a basic editing system, you can skip this step. However, external video and audio
monitoring are important for color correction and audio mixing because they ensure the
highest-quality picture and sound possible. For more information, see

“External Video



“Assigning Output Channels and External Audio Monitors.”

Stage 3:

Choosing an Easy Setup to Configure Final Cut Pro

Easy Setups are software configurations specific to the format you want to capture, edit,
and output. Final Cut Pro includes Easy Setups for most editing configurations. For more
advanced information about Easy Setups, see

“Device Control Settings and Presets.”

Stage 4:

Choosing a Scratch Disk Location for Captured Media and Render Files

A scratch disk is a hard disk (internal or external to your computer) where Final Cut Pro
stores captured media files and temporary files (such as render files). By default,
Final Cut Pro uses the internal hard disk on which the application is installed. For advanced
options, see

“Determining Your Hard Disk Storage Options.”

Stage 5:

Establishing Remote Device Control Between Your Computer and Video


Once your basic system is configured, you need to make sure that Final Cut Pro can
communicate with your camcorder or VTR. Remotely controlling your deck allows you
to precisely capture footage to your scratch disk and output to tape. For advanced
information, see

“Device Control Settings and Presets.”


Chapter 11

Connecting DV Video Equipment