Combining sd and hd video, Downconverting hd video, Letterboxing 16:9 video in a 4:3 frame – Apple Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual
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Adding Filters and Motion Effects to Mixed-Format Sequences
You can add filters to nonmatching clips and adjust their motion parameters just as you
would in a native sequence. With the exception of different real-time processing demands
required by nonmatching clips, working with effects in a mixed-format sequence is
essentially the same as working with native sequence clips.
When adjusting parameters in the Motion tab of a sequence clip that has been scaled to
match your sequence, keep in mind that the clip already has adjusted motion parameters
that make the clip appear normal within the sequence. If you reset all of the parameters
in the Motion tab of the clip, the clip may not appear as you expect. In this case, you can
use the Scale to Sequence command to match the clip dimensions and aspect ratio to
the sequence. For more information, see
“Scaling Images and Video Clips to Match a
Combining SD and HD Video
Many video producers find that they need to combine HD footage with SD footage, or
combine several HD video sizes, within the same project. Converting a video format to
a higher-resolution format is called upconverting, and the reverse is called downconverting.
The process of upconverting and downconverting is not as simple as scaling a video
frame. Changes in aspect ratio (4:3 for SD and 16:9 for HD), frame rate, and scanning
method (interlaced and progressive) may also be involved.
For more information about downconverting, see
For more information about upconverting, see
Downconverting HD Video
There are several methods for downconverting HD video to SD video:
• Letterbox
• Crop
• Pan and scan
• 16:9 anamorphic
Letterboxing 16:9 Video in a 4:3 Frame
To preserve the aspect ratio of widescreen movies on a 4:3 screen, widescreen movies
are scaled until the width fits within the 4:3 frame. The remaining space at the top and
bottom of the 4:3 frame is left empty and is usually black.
Chapter 86
Working with Mixed-Format Sequences