Apple Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual
Page 1378

The Match Hue controls work well as a starting point to help you quickly match the overall
color balance of two shots; however, you’ll probably want to further adjust the end result
by hand to achieve the exact effect you’re looking for.
Auto Level controls in
the Color Corrector filter
Controls in the
Color Corrector
3-way filter
Match Hue eyedropper
Match Hue controls in
the Color Corrector filter
Match Color indicator
Reset Match Color button
• Match Hue eyedropper: Clicking the Match Hue eyedropper turns the pointer into an
eyedropper when it’s moved into the Canvas, the Video tab of the Viewer, or a Frame
Viewer tab in a Tool Bench window. With the current clip open in the Viewer, open the
clip you want to match it to in the Canvas or in an available Frame Viewer tab.
Click the eyedropper in the color of an adjacent clip in your sequence that you’re trying
to match to the current clip. Once selected, the match color is displayed in the Match
Color indicator.
Once you’ve selected a match color, you can click the Whites, Mids, or Blacks
Auto-Balance eyedropper and then click the eyedropper in a color in the current clip
that’s supposed to be the same as the match color. Final Cut Pro automatically adjusts
the Whites, Mids, or Blacks control in an attempt to rebalance the clip to match the
color you selected with the match color.
• Match Color indicator: Displays the currently selected match color. Whichever color is
displayed by the Match Color indicator affects how the Whites, Blacks, and Mids
Auto-Balance eyedropper tools make their corrections.
• Reset Match Color button: Resets the match color to white, the default behavior of the
Whites control.
Note: With a match color selected, the functionality of the Whites, Blacks, and Mids
controls is unaffected. Only the functionality of the Auto-Balance eyedroppers is affected
by the Match Hue controls.
Limit Effect Controls in the Color Corrector 3-Way Filter
The Limit Effect controls are a group of controls in the Color Corrector 3-way filter that
let you key a specific color and apply color correction to just the areas of the picture that
you’ve keyed on.
Chapter 81
Color Correction Filters