Outputting to vhs tape – Apple Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual
Page 1704

When looping is turned on, your sequence will loop endlessly without stopping. There
may be a slight pause after each loop. If you need a smooth loop, use the Print to Video
command with looping turned on instead.
Press Record on your camcorder or deck to start recording, then wait a few seconds.
This allows your camcorder or deck to reach a smooth recording speed. Otherwise, you
could end up with unwanted video artifacts at the beginning of your tape.
Choose Mark > Play, then choose an option from the submenu to control how your
sequence plays back.
• In to Out: Plays back the sequence from the In point to the Out point. If you haven’t
set an In or Out point, the sequence plays from the beginning to the end.
• To Out: Plays from the current position of the playhead on the Timeline to either the
defined Out point or the end of the sequence.
• Around: Plays a specified amount of time before and after the position of the playhead,
based on the preview pre-roll and post-roll settings in the Editing tab of the User
Preferences window.
For more information about these settings, see
• Every Frame: Plays back every frame of the sequence, whether or not rendering is
required. If there are transitions or effects in your sequence that haven’t been rendered,
your sequence will not play back in real time, but every frame will be recorded on tape.
• Forward: Plays from the current position of the playhead forward to the end of the
sequence in the Timeline.
• Reverse: Plays from the current position of the playhead back to the beginning of the
sequence in the Timeline.
Press the Stop button on your camcorder or deck when the sequence is finished playing
in the Timeline.
The last frame in your sequence will be held as a freeze frame when playback
stops. This may be awkward if this frame is not black. To avoid this, add a Slug generator
to place black at the end of your sequence.
Outputting to VHS Tape
Although the VHS tape format is starting to be replaced by DVDs, it is still a ubiquitous
output format for work-in-progress tapes and distribution copies. There are several ways
to output to VHS tape from Final Cut Pro. Because VHS is not a digital format, and decks
rarely support device control protocols, there are no capture or sequence settings in
Final Cut Pro that correspond to the VHS format.
Chapter 102
Printing to Video and Output from the Timeline