Capturing video and audio separately, Recapturing clips – Apple Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual

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The steps for capturing without device control are the same steps for capturing using
Capture Now. The only important difference is that you need to choose the device control
preset for a non-controllable device.

To choose a device control preset for a non-controllable device


Click the Capture Settings tab, then choose Non-Controllable Device from the Device
Control pop-up menu.

To capture a clip without device control, see

“Capturing Entire Tapes.”

Capturing Video and Audio Separately

When you capture video and audio to separate files, two media files are saved on your
hard disk, but the clips appear in your project as merged clips. Capturing your video and
audio as separate files allows you to divide the workload between two scratch disks,
maximizing the performance of each scratch disk you’re using so that you can capture
your video at the highest possible data rate. Video and audio files captured as separate
files have the same name, with “_v” appended to video files and “_a” appended to audio
files. The files are also captured to two separate folders named Capture Scratch and Audio
Capture Scratch, respectively.

To capture video and audio to separate files


Choose Final Cut Pro > System Settings, then click the Scratch Disks tab.


Select the “Capture Audio and Video to Separate Files” checkbox.

Note: For capturing DV (including DVCPRO, DVCPRO 50, and DVCPRO HD) media, it’s
usually best to leave this checkbox unselected.


Select the checkboxes corresponding to the type of files you want to store on each scratch
disk: Video Capture, Audio Capture, Video Render, and Audio Render.

For example, if you want to capture video and audio to separate scratch disks, choose
two different scratch disks, then select the Video Capture option on one disk and the
Audio Capture option on the other. You can also capture separate video and audio files
to the same scratch disk, assuming the combined video and audio data rates don’t exceed
your scratch disk data rate.


Click OK to save your scratch disk settings.

Recapturing Clips

When you recapture a clip, you capture its media file, even if it already has a media file
associated with it. There may be several reasons why you’d want to recapture clips:

• You accidentally deleted a clip’s media file.

• You captured a clip with the wrong capture preset.


Chapter 20

Advanced Topics in Capturing Tape-Based Media