Retransferring clip media – Apple Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual

Page 364

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For example, the built-in P2 AVC-Intra plug-in allows you to transcode AVC-Intra footage
to Apple ProRes 422 or Apple ProRes 422 (HQ) footage.

To choose the destination codec for non-native footage transferred in the Log and
Transfer window


In the Log and Transfer window, choose Preferences from the Action pop-up menu in
the upper-right corner of the Browse area.


In the dialog that appears, identify the plug-in and format you want to transcode, choose
a destination codec in the “Transcode to” column, then click OK.

Retransferring Clip Media

If you need to conform media for an online edit or if a clip’s media files are deleted or
lost, you can retransfer (reingest) the clip’s media from the original source volume at any

Transferred clips store a media tracking identifier called a clip ID. Each clip contains a
unique clip ID number that is dedicated to only that clip and a volume ID that identifies
the clip’s volume. When you log and transfer a clip, the clip IDs are stored in the clip
within your project.

When you want to transfer a clip again, Final Cut Pro searches the current volumes in the
Log and Transfer window for a clip whose clip ID matches. If no clip has a matching clip
ID, Final Cut Pro tells you that the volume containing that clip is not mounted. Final Cut Pro
displays a dialog box that identifies the missing volumes that need to be mounted.

When retransferring spanned clips, Final Cut Pro checks that all the necessary volumes
are mounted, and, if not, you can locate them using the Missing Volumes dialog. The
missing volumes are identified by the clip IDs given to the clip segments when you initially
transferred them. Previous versions of Final Cut Pro did not assign volume IDs to spanned
clips, and if you retransfer such spanned clips with missing segments on unmounted
volumes, Final Cut Pro cannot help identify missing volumes using volume IDs. You must
locate and manually mount the necessary volumes to complete the retransfer of the
spanned clip. For more information about spanned clips, see

“Viewing Spanned Clips in

the Browse Area.”


Chapter 25

Advanced Topics in Transferring File-Based Media