Apple Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual

Page 1108

background image

To dynamically adjust opacity over time


Edit two clips of equal duration into your sequence, each in its own video track.

Note: The clip you want to appear in front should be placed in track V2; the other clip
should be placed in track V1.

Layer the clips, with one
clip in track V1 and the
other superimposed in
track V2.


Open the clip in track V2 in the Viewer, then click the Motion tab.


Click the disclosure triangle for the Opacity parameter to reveal its keyframe graph line
in the keyframe graph area.


To adjust the opacity of the entire clip, do one of the following:

• Drag the Opacity slider to the left until the value in the number field reads “50.”

• Type “50” in the Opacity number field, then press Return.

• Position the pointer over the Opacity keyframe graph line in the keyframe graph area;

when the pointer turns into the Adjust Line Segment pointer, drag down until the value
in the number field reads “50.”

The image in the Canvas
now shows both layers
blended together.


Chapter 67

Adjusting Parameters for Keyframed Effects