Pal format – Apple Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual

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outgoing clip The clip a transition segues from. For example, if Clip A dissolves to Clip
B, Clip A is the outgoing clip.

out-of-sync indicator In the Timeline, the symbol that appears at the beginning of a clip
when a video item moves out of sync with its linked audio items, or vice versa.

Out point The edit point that specifies the last frame of a clip for use in a sequence.

output Sending video or audio signals out of your Final Cut Pro editing system to display
on a monitor or record on tape.

overscan The part of the video frame that cannot be seen on a TV or video monitor.
Broadcast video is an overscan medium, meaning that the recorded frame size is larger
than the viewable areas on a video monitor. The overscan part of the picture is usually
hidden behind the plastic bezel on the edge of a television set. While you are editing,
you can use the action safe area to indicate the approximate portion of a frame that is
hidden because of overscanning.

overwrite edit An edit in which the clip being edited into a sequence replaces frames
that are already in the sequence.

P2 (Professional Plug-in) A compact solid-state memory card designed for professional
and broadcast media gathering. Because they have no moving parts, these cards are
compact and sturdy as well as resistant to heat and cold. P2 cards typically store DV,

PAL format Acronym for Phase Alternating Line, a 25 fps (625 lines per frame) interlaced
video format used by many European countries. Digital PAL video has a frame size of
720 x 576. See also

NTSC format


Parade scope A waveform monitor mode that shows the video signal as separate red,
green, and blue waveforms. Useful for comparing the relative levels of reds, greens, and
blues between two clips, or within a single clip.

peak (1) Short, loud bursts of sound that last a fraction of a second. In spoken dialogue,
letters like P, T, and K at the beginnings of words can result in little peaks if the person
speaking is close to the microphone. (2) Occurrences of clipped audio appearing in
Final Cut Pro as 0 dBFS peaks. Excessive peaks tend to indicate that the audio was recorded
at unsuitable levels. A command in the Tools menu, Mark Audio Peaks, lets you identify
0 dBFS audio peaks in clips or sequences.

peak meter A digital audio meter that displays the absolute level of an audio signal as
it plays. So named because every peak in the signal can be accurately seen.

PCM Stands for pulse-code modulation. PCM is a method of storing or transmitting
uncompressed digital audio data.

