Performing slide edits using the slide tool – Apple Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual

Page 693

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Note: To slide a clip between two others, the preceding and following clips must have
handles (extra media beyond the clip In and Out points).

To perform a slide edit, you can drag a clip with the Slide tool. For precision adjustments,
you can use timecode.

You slide items using
the Slide tool.

You can also move a clip with the Selection tool, but this method may leave gaps between
clips. The Slide tool never creates gaps (with the exception of sliding the first or last clip).

Performing Slide Edits Using the Slide Tool

Selecting a clip with the Slide tool and dragging it is an easy way to perform a slide edit.

To slide a clip in the Timeline by dragging


Select the Slide tool in the Tool palette (or press the S key twice).


Select the clip, then drag it left or right.

The clip moves to a new
position in the Timeline.

As you drag, the Canvas displays the Out point frame of the clip to the left and the In
point frame of the clip to the right.


Chapter 44

Performing Slip, Slide, Ripple, and Roll Edits