Apple Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual

Page 468

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To move a marker by dragging it


In the Viewer or the Timeline, Command-drag the marker left or right to the new location.

To move a marker in a clip forward by repositioning the playhead


In the Viewer or Timeline, move the playhead to the location where you want to move
the marker.


Choose Mark > Markers > Reposition, or press Shift–Grave Accent (`).

Final Cut Pro moves the marker that is immediately to the left of the playhead’s current
position. Even if there are multiple markers, only the one immediately to the left of the
playhead is moved.

To move a marker in a clip by entering a new timecode value


In the Viewer, do one of the following:

• Hold down the Command key and double-click the marker.

This function is available in the Viewer, Canvas, and Timeline ruler only.

• Move the playhead to the marker, then do one of the following:

• Choose Mark > Markers > Edit.

• Press M.

• Click the Add Marker button.

• Press Command-Option-M to edit the nearest marker to the left.


In the Edit Marker dialog, enter a new start time in the Start field, then click OK.

Enter the new time here.

To move a marker in a sequence by entering a new timecode value


Do one of the following:

• Hold down the Command key and double-click the marker.

This function is available in the Viewer, Canvas, and Timeline ruler only.


Chapter 32

Using Markers