Apple Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual
Page 1106

To zoom using the Zoom slider
Drag the left or right thumb tab on the side of the Zoom slider. While zooming, the visible
area of the keyframe graph stays centered.
Hold down the Shift key while you drag one of the thumb tabs to zoom in to or out of
your sequence from the selected end of the Zoom slider, while keeping the other thumb
tab locked in place. This also moves the visible area of the keyframe graph in the direction
you’re dragging as you zoom.
Zoom slider
Thumb tabs on either
end of the slider
To zoom using keyboard shortcuts
With the keyframe graph area open, place the playhead at the location in the keyframe
graph area where you want the center of your zooming to occur.
Do one of the following:
• To zoom in: Press Command-Equal Sign (=).
• To zoom out: Press Command-Hyphen (-).
To zoom using the zoom tools
Select the Zoom In or Zoom Out tool in the Tool palette.
Zoom In tool
Zoom Out tool
Do one of the following:
• Click in the keyframe graph area.
• Drag to select a region to zoom in to or out of.
As you drag, the view automatically snaps to the specified percentages of zoom in the
keyframe graph area.
• Click or drag repeatedly to increase the zoom factor.
Chapter 67
Adjusting Parameters for Keyframed Effects