Panning audio in the timeline, Changing the pan of audio in the viewer – Apple Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual

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Panning Audio in the Timeline

You can adjust the pan of one or more clips in the Timeline using the Audio item in the
Modify menu, but you can’t make as many adjustments as you can in the Viewer. Using
the menu, you can set a clip’s pan all the way to the left, all the way to the right, or in the
center of the stereo output channels.

Note: If you use this method to change the pan of a clip that’s a stereo pair, the pan
setting for both audio channels changes simultaneously. The pan setting is applied to
the uppermost channel of the stereo pair, and the lower channel is panned to the opposite

To change the pan for a clip or clips


In the Timeline, select the clip or clips whose pan you want to change.


Choose Modify > Audio, then choose a pan option from the submenu.

Pan Left: Pans audio all the way to the left stereo output.

Pan Center: Centers audio evenly between left and right stereo outputs.

Pan Right: Pans audio all the way to the right stereo output.

Changing the Pan of Audio in the Viewer

To adjust the stereo placement of your sound, you can change the pan of your audio
clips. The Pan slider is actually one control with two modes. What the control does depends
on what kind of audio you’ve opened in the Viewer.

If the audio clip in the Viewer is a stereo pair: This slider lets you swap the left and right

channels. The default setting of –1 sends the left audio channel of your clip to the left
output channel and the right audio channel to the right output channel. A setting of
0 outputs the left and right audio channels equally to both speakers, essentially creating
a mono mix. A setting of +1 swaps the channels, outputting the left audio channel to
the right speaker and the right audio channel to the left speaker.

If the audio clip in the Viewer is not a stereo pair: This slider lets you pan the audio channel

in the currently selected audio tab between the left and right channels.

Pan slider


Chapter 57

Mixing Audio in the Timeline and Viewer