Creating a preset to capture audio only – Apple Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual

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About Capturing Multiple Audio Channels from DV Devices

DV video devices can record up to four tracks of audio, depending on the sample rate
and bit depth chosen on the camcorder. You can choose which two audio channels to
capture from the Input pop-up menu. For more information, see

“Capturing Audio from


Finding the Maximum Data Rate When Using the Limit Data Rate Field

If you’re not sure of the maximum data rate possible for your hard disk and video interface,
try the following:

To capture your clip at increasing data rates until you reach the maximum data rate


Capture a video clip from tape with a data rate of 3 MB/sec.


If no dropped frames are reported, increase the data rate to 4 MB/sec., then recapture
the clip.


If still no dropped frames are reported, recapture the same clip, raising the data rate by
1 MB/sec. each time, until the clip you capture reports dropped frames.

When a message appears saying frames were dropped, you’ve reached the maximum
data rate for your equipment.

Creating a Preset to Capture Audio Only

You can configure Final Cut Pro to capture audio from a device-controllable audio player
(such as a DAT player) with timecode. This is mainly useful when capturing audio that
was acquired via dual system recording, with picture and sound recorded simultaneously
to two different devices. You may also need an audio-only capture preset for bringing in
audio that you want to use for narration, sound effects, or ambient tracks.

Note: For more information on connecting a device-controllable audio deck to your
computer, see

“Connecting Professional Video and Audio Equipment.”

To create a device-controllable, audio-only capture preset


Choose Final Cut Pro > Audio/Video Settings, then click the Capture Presets tab.


Select a preset, then click Duplicate.

Final Cut Pro automatically duplicates the selected preset and opens a new Capture Preset
Editor window.


Chapter 113

Capture Settings and Presets