Apple Final Cut Pro 7 User Manual
Page 1573

• Use Existing: This option allows you to use the currently existing media that’s linked
to the selected items. If you delete unused media using this option, the unused media
is actually deleted from your original media files, with or without handles, as specified.
Be extremely careful when choosing the “Use existing” option; the Media Manager
deletes each media file as soon as it finishes processing it. Canceling this operation
may restore the media file currently being processed, but media files that have already
been processed cannot be restored.
• Create Offline: This option is very different from the others because no media files
are created or processed, and your selection is always copied to a new project. This
option is used to make a copy of a sequence with different settings, not to copy
actual media. The main reason for this option is to copy a sequence with
low-resolution settings to a sequence with full-resolution settings which you can
then use to recapture full-resolution media. This prepares you for an online editing
session. If the duplicated sequence has a different frame size than the original, the
sequence clips’ motion attributes are adjusted proportionally so they match the new
frame size. You can choose the new settings for the copied sequence in the “Set
sequences to” pop-up menu, which lists all sequence presets in Final Cut Pro, as well
as an option to use Current Sequence Settings. You can also choose Custom to specify
your own settings in the Sequence Preset Editor window that appears. These settings
cannot be saved as a sequence preset; they are used only for the immediate operation.
• “Include render files” checkbox: Select this checkbox to include render files when using
the Copy or Move operation. This option is not available with the Recompress, Use
Existing, or Create Offline operations. This option is always selected with the Use Existing
• “Include master clips outside selection” checkbox: When you select the “Duplicate selected
items and place into a new project” option, a bin of master clips is created for all of the
clips used in the new project. This means the new project has master-affiliate
relationships, not just independent clips.
The “Include master clips outside selection” option determines how much media is
retained in the master clips of the new project.
• When this option is selected: The master clips in the new project are based on the
master clips in your current project. This means that media defined by the items you
selected before opening the Media Manager window and the media defined by the
In and Out points of your original master clips is retained when new master clips and
media files are created
Chapter 93
Overview of the Media Manager